Pharma Corruption

The pharma-political-psychiatric 'Brave New World', a world on mind-altering drugs. Drugs whose 'safety' and 'efficacy' are based on lies, deception and corruption. A 'Brave New World' on drugs that kill. A world of Violence and Suicide. A world of gross violation of Human Rights. SAY "NO!" TO THE PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGGING OF OUR CHILDREN!

Location: British Indian Ocean Territory

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Almost too simple and obvious to be true -v- toxic drugs that kill: Omega 3 Studies.

There's a lot of studies that tend to be pushed under the carpet by the pharmaceutical industry which should maybe be looked at closer? An obvious, simple, solution to whats perceived as a 'disorder' by people trying to make a financially profitable chemical solution doesn't make the simple, natural and perhaps obvious, solution any less valid.

Essential Fatty Acids are something that would have naturally been part of our diet pre-junk food. Oily fish is the best food source of essential fatty acids, though there are other sources.

Essential Fatty Acids contain DHA and EPA, which are the two basic components of Omega 3.

At this url:
there are quite a number of links and each heading below (when on the website) are links:

"...Scientific Articles (full text):

Theory of Omega-3 activity in depression PDF
Omega-3 improves outcome in schizophrenia PDF
Omega-3 treatment of depression in pregnancy PDF
Omega-3 and risk of postpartum depression PDF
Omega-3 treatment of borderline personality disorder PDF
Omega-2 treatment of bipolar disorder PDF
Fatty acid deficiency in bipolar mania PDF
Pure DHA does NOT work in major depression (you need EPA also) PDF
Omega-3 decreased in schizophrenia PDF
Essential fatty acids and depression in the elderly PDF
Omega-3 in refractory depression PDF PDF2 PDF3
Fish consumption & postpartum depression PDF
Fish oil and rheumatoid arthritis PDF
Fish oil and inflammatory bowel disease PDF
Fish and the risk of dementia PDF
Fish oil in asthma PDF
Fish oil reduced stroke in men PDF
Fish oil reduces sudden death PDF
Omega-3 may reduce coronary heart disease and death in elderly PDF
Omega-3 and aggression PDF PDF2
Omega-3 in schizophrenia PDF PDF2 PDF3 PDF4
Omega-3 in depression & heart disease PDF
DHA and aggression PDF
DHA & violence PDF
Essential fatty acids in alcoholics PDF
Essential fatty acids & schizophrenia PDF PDF2
Fish consumption & suicidality PDF
Fatty acid supplementation in monkeys PDF
Effects of supplements in prisoners PDF
Omeag-3 inhibition of PKC PDF
Omega-3 in schizophrenia PDF PDF2
Omega-3 in depression & heart disease PDF
Omega-3 in health & disease PDF
Omega-3 in dyslexia PDF
Omega-3 in ADHD PDF..."

Nowadays most people seem to have too busy a life to be cooking fish alongside too easy an access to junk food, etc. But Omega 3 is essential for the smooth running of a LOT of organs, including the brain. It doesn't cause Tardive Dyskinesia or the other ADRs associated with psych drugs, its natural (therefore discredited as "quakery" and "alternative" by chemical drug defenders) and its just about free save for the cost of food, (or Omega 3 capsules if its difficult to follow a healthy diet).

A simple solution perhaps, though not at all popular with an industry making a profit out of chemical cocktails that cause homicidality, suicidality, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia, convulsions, strokes, heart attacks, etc.



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